Each year, this hospital takes over 1.5 thousand babies. Probably, this is the main indicator of the popularity of the hospital and the quality of the medical services provided in it. But nevertheless, in addition to the babies born in it, Mercy Hospital is ready to boast and with its awards. Thus, the medical institution is the owner of the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s (ANCC) award, the Magnet ™ award for the quality of medical services and the qualification of personnel, and the hospital has repeatedly ranked among the top ten Quality & Safety ratings among hospitals and hospitals.

In the hospital I work as professional doctors and medical personnel. Thus, anaesthesiologists and neonatologists are on duty around the clock to ensure the safety of their patients, because the hospital has a Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, which takes and cares for premature babies and children in critical condition.
The hospital offers its patients fully comfortable and cozy wards, as well as specially designed Labor and Delivery Rooms (LDR), which serve both for delivery and post-natal rest for moms and newborns.
Of course, all mums and dads have access to thematic classes that will help them gain the necessary knowledge on the care and development of the child, including thematic classes on vaccination and breastfeeding.