Surrogate Maternity

The joy of maternity and paternity is the highest manifestation of happiness, and AIST USA wants that each couple should have this happy moment. Alas, the birth of a child is not available to all couples, because, in the first place, it is a matter of physical health of a man and a woman. Even such a successful IVF procedure, which we already told you about, can be contraindicated based on health indications. And then surrogate maternity comes to the aid of a loving married couple.

In case of surrogate maternity, the embryo, which is obtained as a result of fertilization of the egg of the genetic mother with the sperm of the genetic father, is transferred to the surrogate mother’s body.

Available types of surrogate maternity:

  • Complete (when the husband’s spermatozoon and the egg of his wife are implanted in the body of the surrogate mother)
  • Partial (when the surrogate mother’s eggs are used)

The indications for surrogate maternity include the following cases:

Women without an uterus due to a birth defect or surgical removal

Women who have suffered many miscarriages or have passed many IVF with an unsuccessful result

Women with certain medical diagnoses, in which pregnancy is life-threatening

A surrogate mother must undergo initial examination, which includes:

  • Consultation and examination by our doctors

  • Consultation with a psychologist

  • Smear on gonorrhea, chlamydia / ureaplasma / mycoplasma

  • HIV 1 and 2 and antibody test

  • Cytomegalovirus

  • Complete blood count

  • Blood chemistry

  • Blood grouping test

  • Analysis for hepatitis

  • Hysteroscopy

In the legal sense, the USA is the most favorable country for conducting a surrogate maternity program.

The matter is that each separate state independently creates a legislative base, including the one concerning the issue of a surrogate maternity. In Florida, a candidate for surrogate mother is required to sign a contract, which, according to current legislation, strictly limits her rights and protects genetic parents. They will be legally considered the child’s parents, notwithstanding that he was born and carried by another woman.

In the United States, there are two types of surrogate maternity:

Gestational – in this case, the surrogate mother, who carries a child, is not genetically related to the child. The embryo is taken from the mother of the child, and the sperm is taken from the father. Then the clinic uses the IVF procedure to fertilize the surrogate mother.

Traditional – it is used in exceptional cases, because with this type of surrogate maternity, the pregnant mother is a genetic relative of the child. Our company does not recommend this type of surrogate maternity, as it is more complicated from a legal point of view.

Stages of embryo transfer into the surrogate mother:

  1. Hormonal changes with the administration of appropriate doses of estradiol and progesterone. It takes place during the normal menstrual cycle for the development of the uterine mucosa capable of embryo acceptance.
  2. Daily injections of Lupron to suppress ovarian activity a week before the scheduled menstruation. After the beginning of menstruation the doctor determines with the help of ultrasound and a blood test
  3. Application of estrogen patch, after confirmation of the regulation, the surrogate mother begins
  4. On the 13th day, ultrasound is performed and the level of estradiol is checked to confirm the correct development of the uterine mucosa and the desired level of estradiol. Based on the results obtained, the doctor regulates the use of medicines.
  5. Every evening, intramuscular injections of progesterone are made. After collecting the donor oocytes, the surrogate mother of the k-steroid hormone, which prepares the uterus for embryo implantation .
  6. Fertilized oocytes develop within 3 days. After that, the embryologist studies their number, quality and stage of development. Together with the doctor, they recommend leaving the embryos for another 2 days or transplanting them into a surrogate mother on the same day.