Founded in 1949, this private medical center is one of the most prestigious in the state of Florida. He has repeatedly ranked first in the list of America’s Best Hospitals. We want to note that out of 4,861 US hospitals, only 174 fell into this privileged list.

The hospital has the latest equipment and highly professional staff in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. In the 15 buildings of the hospital there are 955 beds and more than 900 doctors, who are in labor at all stages of labor and 3,000 people of medical personnel.
In Mount Sinai is one of the most well-known in America centers for care and support of newborns in critical condition – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This center provides the best level of care for preterm infants and infants in need of additional medical attention.
The Mount Sinai Medical Center also has classes for the preparation for childbirth and for the care of the newborn, where they will answer all your questions and prepare for how to be parents.