An upscale hospital with a good medical history. It is located in Fort Lauderdale, which is located near Miami, and was founded in 1966. High-class hospital doctors specialize in complex pregnancies and childbirth, when there are great risks of the appearance of pathologies. Moreover, in the state of Florida – this is the only medical (and one of the few in the US) that provide assistance to premature babies, and parents are taught to care for such babies.

The hospital is equipped with the most modern equipment, high-quality doctors and medical personnel in the state. Moreover, the hospital has its own perinatal and neonatal departments, where medical assistance for mother and baby after delivery, as well as for pregnant women, can be provided around the clock. For future parents, the hospital offers a variety of classes and preparatory programs related to pregnancy, nutrition, exercise, childbirth and caring for the baby.
For a faultless long-term work, the hospital was awarded a special award for the city of Miami.